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Instructions for Monitoring (Android)
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Client Name
Parent/Guardian Name

Read and check the following

I will not install or run any antivirus or malware programs
An AJ Monitoring employee may remove risky applications from my device during installation
I will keep Google Play Protect OFF. If Google Play Protect is turned on, for any reason, and uninstalls monitoring software, I will be subject to a $100 reinstall fee.
I will keep RCS Chats OFF, unless approved by Supervising Officer.
I will only use the approved browser, CHROME
I am to only use the approved text messaging application Google Messages
I am to restart my device once per week
I will not run a system restore, restore point, or conduct a factory reset
No other person is approved to use this device
I will not update the Operating System without authorization from our office. (Major Updates i.e Android version 10 to 11) *Security and applications do not need approval or notifications.
If I get a new phone I will not do a phone to phone transfer
If I get a new phone I will be responsible for scheduling a new installation appointment and paying any required installation fees

Date and Signature

Clear Signature
Clear Signature