AJ Monitoring Computer & Phone Install Instructions

All clients (new or existing) are required to complete all tasks at least one hour prior to the scheduled appointment. If you are scheduled to have monitoring installed on two devices, you can complete one Terms of Service Agreement and one Monitoring Intake Form. Please make sure to also complete the Instructions form for each specific device. You also should’ve received an invoice from QuickBooks to the email provided for scheduling. Once all forms are completed, the invoice is paid and the Team Viewer Quick Support ID(s) are sent to ajm@ajmonitoring.com, you will be ready for your installation appointment. Failure to complete all tasks prior to your scheduled appointment may result in cancellation of your appointment and a $100 cancellation fee. 

Android Phone/Tablet Forms and Team Viewer Quick Support Application:

Complete these three forms:

Terms of Service Agreement:


Monitoring Intake Form:


Android Instructions:


Download the TeamViewer Quick Support application from the Play Store for your phone:


\Make sure to accept or download any add-on which you should be prompted to do. 

Respond to ajm@ajmonitoring.com with the TeamViewer Quick Support ID provided to you. The ID can be found on the home page when you open the Quick Support app.

Windows PC Forms and Team Viewer Instructions:

Complete these three forms:

Terms of Service Agreement:


Monitoring Intake Form:


Windows Instructions:


Download TeamViewer Quick Support Here: Team Viewer

  • Download Team Viewer Full Version and run after download. 
  • There will be a few options when you run it:
  • (1) Do not choose the one time option.
  • (2)You can choose either the business or free version.
  • (3) Once it is installed you will get a User ID and a password.  The User ID is static and will be the same number for your device each time.
    • (4) The password is dynamic and will change every time its used. 
    • We will need both user name and password (Please include these numbers in an email to ajm@ajmonitoring.com)

Macintosh Forms and Team Viewer Instructions:

Complete these three forms:

Terms of Service Agreement:


Monitoring Intake Form:


Macintosh Instructions:


Download TeamViewer Quick Support: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/windows/

  • Download Team Viewer Full Version and run after download.
  • There will be a few options when you run it:
  • (1) Do not choose the one time option.
  • (2)You can choose either the business or free version.
  • (3) Once it is installed you will get a User ID and a password.  The User ID is static and will be the same number for your device each time.
    • (4) The password is dynamic and will change every time its used.
    • We will need both user name and password (Please include these numbers in an email to ajm@ajmonitoring.com)